Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Likutei Etzot (Compilations of Advice), Eating 14-26 (end)

Eating (continued)

14. The lust for food is one of the three lusts that damage and cause the loss of the fear [of HaShem] that is in the heart. Through receiving the festival of Sukot properly, knowledge is drawn to repair the lust for food and then one merits fear and prayer. (From Likutei Moharan II, 1; see sec. Fear, 19-21)

15. Sometimes through the food that is eaten a dream is damaged, corresponding to a dream that is through a demon, God forbid, and one can come to a nocturnal emission through this, God forbid. The remedy for this is joy and to strengthen oneself to be joyous always. (From Likutei Moharan II, 5)

16. One who merits a true Rabbi that knows how to properly illuminate holy enlightening [holy knowledge] in Israel, [this Rabbi] who is a man of valor and not the opposite, which they call a shleimazelnik, through this one is able to receive an enormous illumination of desire at the time of eating; that the desire will illuminate for him at the time of eating and he will become silent and yearn a lot for HaShem with an enormous desire without measure and without knowledge. He won't know at all what he wants, just [he will have] a soul consuming desire for HaShem. (From Likutei Moharan II, 7)

17. Through sustenance of the body, meaning the lust for eating and drinking, the sustenance of the soul is weakened and fear, which corresponds to good smell and is the sustenance of the soul, is damaged. ((From Likutei Moharan II, 8)

18. Through receiving reprimand from the true tzadik who is able to reprimand Israel properly, the sustenance of the soul overpowers the sustenance of the body.

19. The main point of eating is for clarifications, in order that the food will be clarified and that pleasant words will be made from it, which are the blessings that are blessed over it and the prayer, learning, serving HaShem by the power of the food. Everyone needs to intend this at the time of eating, and then the food becomes the aspect of the incense and one merits joy. From this is made a crown of mercy and loving-kindness for King Solomon, about which is said, "go out and see...the crown..." (from Song of Songs), and through this one merits an easy livelihood. (From Likutei Moharan II, 16)

20. Everyone among Israel, even a great tzadik needs to have some kind of sorrow every day. And the more one has knowledge, his sorrow is all the much greater; but through eating in holiness and in fear of Heaven, the sorrow is sweetened so it won't overpower, God forbid. (From Likutei Moharan II, 77)

21. Through eating in holiness and in fear of Heaven the mouth is made into the aspect of the human level, and one merits to come through this to the aspect of the divine presence speaking from his throat. However, one whose eating isn't in holiness, then his mouth that eats is in the category of an animal, and he is really an animal, God forbid. (There^)

22. The main fear [of God] comes and meets a person at the time of eating. Therefore, one must be very careful to eat in holiness and to draw upon himself the fear that comes upon himself then. Through that, he merits everything mentioned in 20 and 21 above.

23.One must be very careful not to eat a fruit before it ripens entirely on the tree because one can lose his soul over this. It is also forbidden to pluck fruit before its ripening as it is forbidden to cut a tree before its time. (From Likutei Moharan II, 88)

24. When one properly blesses the blessing over fruit with great intention and with fear of Heaven, through this he merits to be saved from losing his soul over an unripened fruit. All must be very careful with the blessings of benefit, particularly in the blessings on fruit, for they have many lost things in them which must be clarified and elevated. (There^)

25. Also when fruit ripens inside one's house, it doesn't benefit in order to make unripened fruit that didn't ripen on the tree permissible to eat. However, if the fruit that didn't finish [ripening] are placed detached some time until they are made ripe by themselves - this benefits and it's permissible to eat them. (There^)

26. Be careful not to eat forcefully, meaning to eat quickly like a glutton, because this corresponds to "pour me, please [some of this pottage]..." (Genesis 25), only [one should] regulate himself to eat in moderation, in a settled mind, and with manners; like how people eat with manners when an important person is sitting at the table - thus should a person eat always, even when he eats alone. (From Hayyei Moharan 69)
See 3, above, fortunate is one who merits this.

(Continue to next section, Hospitality)

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